
Are Gel Pens Safe For Skin

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Although the traditional, oil based ballpoint pen is notwithstanding the most popular pen in the globe, the popularity of gel pens is heaven rocketing as more than and more people make the switch. It likewise helps that the price of a decent gel pen set had drastically come down over the last few years while the performance and writing experience that gel pens offer has increased.

Due to more than and more than people starting to use gel pens, we have noticed more and more questions beingness asked from the community about them each month. One of the more frequently asked questions about gel pens that we constantly run into is based around if gel pen ink is toxic or not. As we have noticed so many people request this, we have decided to publish this dedicated commodity in the hope that we volition be able to help any of our readers who are looking to start using gel pens.

Now, we see a number of slightly different questions virtually if gel pen ink is toxic or not then we will be answering each of them in a separate section of our article below. This should brand information technology easier for our readers to discover the relevant department of the article that they demand to become the specific answer to your question and nosotros have our table of contents below making it easy to navigate direct to the question you demand help with.

  1. Is Gel Pen Ink Toxic If Ingested?
  2. Is Gel Pen Ink Toxic If It Gets On Your Skin?
  3. Is Gel Pen Ink Toxic For Stick And Poke Tattoos?
  4. What Is Gel Pen Ink Made Of?
  5. Conclusion

Is Gel Pen Ink Toxic If Ingested?

The most normally asked question that we see almost gel pen ink time and time again is if the ink is toxic if it ends upward getting ingested. This is due to and so many coloring pen sets beingness based around gel ink and people letting their children colour with them and then chew on them and potentially eat some of the ink.

Although this will specifically depend on the pen that y'all are using, the vast bulk of gel pens bachelor for sale in the west volition encounter the rigorous health code standard for pen ink. This means that although the gel pen ink volition accept a slight toxicity to it due to information technology existence ink, it will not be high enough to cause whatsoever issues with ink poisoning or any other toxic side effects.

Depending on the specific country that you are in, there are also specific regulations as to how much gel ink tin can be in the pens ink cylinder when purchased to ensure that whatever ingested gel pen ink will not have whatsoever effect on you. This should offer yous some peace of mind when it comes to letting your children play and color with gel pens as it is inevitable that the majority of children will end up chewing on their gel pens at some point.

Is Gel Pen Ink Toxic If It Gets On Your Pare?

The side by side most common question that we see nearly gel pen ink is if it is toxic if it gets on your skin due to many children also enjoying coloring themselves in too equally their coloring books. Thankfully, gel pen ink is not toxic if it gets on your peel and there should exist no major issues if your child decided to color their arm or hand in rather than their coloring book.

Due to gel pen ink being waterbased, information technology is much easier to wash off pare than the oil based ballpoint pen ink that is very popular likewise. This is why so many parents take made the switch over to letting their children color in their books with gel pens as it has a lower toxicity level than ballpoint pen ink and is much easier to launder off them if they do finish upwards getting the ink on their peel too.

Is Gel Pen Ink Toxic For Stick And Poke Tattoos?

Although rare when compared to the 2 questions covered above, nosotros have too noticed a number of people asking if information technology is rubber to use gel pen ink for stick and poke tattoos. We would not recommend that you apply gel pen ink for any stick and poke tattoo work and although it is unlikely that you will have any side effects due to the ink, actual stick and poke tattoo ink is intended for use in this manner and is oft cheaper than gel pens anyway.

Although some people accept said that they have used gel pen ink as their ink source for a stick and poke tattoo we would not recommend it and would actively encourage our readers to avert it. A tattoo should always be washed past a trained professional in a clean area with make clean tools merely similar we said, bodily stick and poke tattoo ink is much cheaper than information technology used to be and will not cause any issues with toxicity.

What Is Gel Pen Ink Made Of?

One of the common follow upwardly questions to any initial question near if gel pen ink is toxic or not is usually based around what gel pen ink is actually made upwards of. Equally we touched on above, gel pen ink is a waterbased ink that is fabricated into a gel that suspends pulverisation pigments in the gel until it is ready for utilize. This is why gel pen ink tends to give a much smoother writing experience while also providing y'all with vivid colors while also being waterproof and historic period resistance one time dried.

As you lot can meet, there is minimal ingredients in the gel ink that is used in gel pens to help keep its toxicity levels as depression as possible. In addition to the actual ink formula and the regulations around ink toxicity levels, this ensures that gel pen ink is not toxic enough to cause any harmful side effects in a healthy human even if they inject it or draw on their skin with it.


That brings our article going over if gel pen ink is toxic or not and nosotros accept gone over the three most commonly asked questions that we come across asked on a regular basis. Gel pen ink has a very low toxicity level so it is doubtful that y'all are going to be able to give yourself ink poisoning when using a gel pen and the majority of gel pens on the market are fine for children to apply as well.


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