
Can You Kill Someone With A Nail Gun

Photo reveals human's gruesome nail gun death

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X-ray of the skull of 27-year-old Chen (Anthony) Liu

Cruel: The post mortem X-ray of Anthony Liu'due south skull( NSW Police )

Law have released a gruesome photo showing how a Sydney man was shot in the head and neck with a nail gun 34 times.

27-year-onetime Chen Liu, who also went by the name of Anthony Liu, was constitute dead in marshland surrounding the Georges River in Sydney'southward south last twelvemonth.

Police say the severely decomposed trunk was found just later on 6:00pm (AEDT) on ane Nov 2008 past 2 children, aged 9 and 14, who told their parents they had seen a torso in Oatley Bay while on a canoeing trip.

Police say Mr Liu had been expressionless for 12 days before being discovered.

The Homicide Squad has been handling the case in conjunction with the Hurstville Local Area Control, forming Strike Force Renfree, but and so far no arrests take been made.

They have now released an X-ray of the 27-year-erstwhile'south skull and cervix, which shows it was filled with 34 nails.

"Postal service-mortem exam results revealed Mr Liu was shot repeatedly to the head with a high-powered boom gun. Similar types of nail guns can fire nails up to 85 millimetres long," Detective Inspector Mark Newham of the Homicide Squad said in a statement.

The head of the Homicide Squad, Geoff Beresford, says the weapon has not been found.

"If anyone knows of a particular nail gun that has been stolen from them or from work premises, building sites, et cetera, we'd be grateful to hear that information," he said.

He says the victim had been in Commonwealth of australia for 8 years, only has no family unit hither.

"In 36 years of investigation, I've never come up beyond a murder of this nature using a nail gun," he said.

"May I say it's a peculiarly brutal and vicious murder and we are seeking data from the public so we tin can bring this inquiry to a conclusion."

Detective Inspector Newham says information about the victim's car would be useful.

"Strike Force detectives are also appealing for information from anyone who might have seen Mr Liu's car in Rockdale or Connells Point effectually 19 Oct 2008," he said.

The car is described equally a 2005 model blue Range Rover Sport four cycle bulldoze, which police believe may have been used to dump Mr Liu's body in the marshland.

People with information are asked to contact Strike Force Renfree via Criminal offense Stoppers on 1800 333 000, and police force say all information will be treated in strict conviction.

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